Belgrade Montana Homes For Sale
How Much Do Homes Cost in Belgrade, Montana? Homes Cost $615,000 (median) in Belgrade vs $877,000 in Bozeman.
Belgrade vs Bozeman Home Prices

At the end of 2024, Belgrade’s median home price was $615,000, Bozeman’s $877,000. This is a $262,000 or 29.9% difference.
In Q2 2024, the spread was a $394,650 or 41.5% difference.
Looking Back, Belgrade vs Bozeman Home Prices
In Q2 2022, Belgrade’s median home price was $560,450, Bozeman’s median home price was $877,500, a $317,050 or 56.6% difference. ($820,000 is the median of the 3 areas.)
In Q2 2014, median home prices between Belgrade ($218,000) and Bozeman ($327,000) were separated by $109,000 or 50%.
Three years later, in January 2018 the median separation had increased to $122,100 (average price separation was $185,000).
Five years later, January 2020, the median spread had grown to $144,050 (average price difference was $188,365).
This spread makes Belgrade’s home prices a very attractive alternative to Bozeman’s ever-increasing home prices.
‘Want all Belgrade Real Estate? – Belgrade Home Sales Report
Belgrade, Montana has existed since the early 1880’s and is about 11 miles–via I-90–from Bozeman, it’s big brother. Belgrade was once called the “Princess of the Prairies.”