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MLS #398278
Bozeman, Montana
222 E Main Street 203 203
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Prime downtown office space in the Baltimore Building available for short term lease. Located on the south side of Main Street right next door to First Security Bank Downtown. Second floor office space has an open area that could house multiple desks. There is a smaller office in the back with an exterior window, an oversized hallway that could be used as work space and a conference room. There are common restrooms just down the hall, and easy access via an elevator or two separate stairwells. Great value for anyone looking for a short term lease in a great location.
- Sq Footage
969 - Days on Market
- Type: Commercial Lease
- Subtype: Office
- Levels: One
- Price/SqFt: $2
Listing Provided By Starner Commercial Real Estate, Tom Starner
Additional Features
- Building Area Total
969 - City
Bozeman - Contract Status Change Date
2024-11-26 - Cumulative Days On Market
62 - Directions
On South side of Main Street next to First Security Bank - Latitude
45.679030 - Levels
One - Listing Contract Date
71 - Listing Key
1096047438 - List Price
1750 - Living Area
969 - Longitude
-111.033584 - MLS Area Major
Bozeman City Limits - MLS Area Minor
1 S M - Boz Main to Kagy - MLS Status
Active - Occupant Type
Occupied - Originating System Name
S W M T - Parcel Number
R G H5935 - Parking Features
Common, On Street - Photos Count
7 - Postal Code
59715 - Property Sub Type
Office - Property Type
Commercial Lease - Standard Status
Active - Stories
1 - Unit Number
203 - Unparsed Address
222 E Main Street 203
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